It all begins with an idea.
I get asked all the time how C&M Play Studio began. The best way I can answer this is to go back to the fall of 2017 and my own questions I was asking myself based on my own experiences. We were discussing the option of me going back to work full time which led to checking out dozens of childcare options. I was shocked at the level of stress this brought and the pit I had in my stomach. I thought to myself, "Someone should create a high quality center that is more affordable."
We were constantly looking for activities to do as a family and were left with very few options. For someone who does not like traffic or crowds and a husband with odd work hours, it seemed like a constant issue. "Someone should make a place that gives families a welcoming place to come with more flexibility."
At this point Cam and Madi weren't babies anymore and come from families with large sports backgrounds. As we began trying different activities, the kids were getting overwhelmed with the intensity and we were getting overwhelmed with the chaotic schedule. This led to the thought of, "Children should not have to choose a sport this young! I just want my kids to work on confidence, body control, and be able to socialize. Someone should create a place where children can try a range of sports with a flexible schedule for parents."
I was very fortunate to have people in my life I could talk to about all the stressors of parenting. "Someone needs to have a space that feels safe to be themselves and get that support. I want to find more community that can be open and help one another."
It didn't take me long to realize there was no reason that someone couldn't be me. Three years later, in the fall of 2020, I was able to open the doors to C&M Play Studio. Nothing makes me more proud than hearing how comfortable and welcomed families feel when they walk through the doors. By the end of 2022, I had a 20,000 sq ft space, 19 classrooms, a large gym area, 300+ students, and more than 50 employees. No matter how large we grow, I will always remember the beginning and why I created C&M Play Studio.