Our Full Time Program turned Part- Time

to meet the needs of families with more flexibility.

Part Time Hours

Monday, Wednesday Friday (4 & 5 year olds)

10 am - 12:15 pm

1 pm - 3:15 pm

Tuesday, Thursday (3 year olds)

10 am - 12:15 pm

1 pm - 3:15 pm


2 days/week: $59/week

3 days/week: $89/week

Part Time School Readiness Focus

  • At C&M, we have always strived to be as flexible as possible. One thing we have seen a demand for is a part time preschool, that offers the same academics as our full time program. We are happy to be able to give this to our families in the community and open a spot for more children to get the proper school readiness development that is needed.

  • Your child's day will start with a 15 minutes morning/after meeting, have 30 minutes for a snack while discussing sign language and completing a discussion (social-emotional) followed by three 30 minute learning activities to get your child ready for kindergarten!

  • School readiness is helping our students to be prepared for Kindergarten! We have partnered with some Kindergarten teachers in the area to come up with a list of Kindergarten basics. We have taken this list, and our teachers will be conducting various learning activities to ensure that our students have met the proper milestones needed for Kindergarten.